Wellness Bites

Holly Moffitt

The healing power of nature is nothing short of miraculous.

When Holly started her degree back in 2004 her life was forever altered as she saw first-hand the scientific evidence of traditional healing paths that had served her so well.

Graduating and starting on a path of clinical practice has gifted Holly the experience of working with hundreds of souls yearning to take charge of their health and wellbeing once and for all.

She has also been fortunate enough to be published in books and media publications. One particular career highlight was being invited to speak on national tours and feature in a health documentary.

Whilst currently working in her private practice, Holly is also educating at Endeavour College supervising in the student clinic in Brisbane.

Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Holly Moffitt

diet menopause nutrition

Eating for the pause

As women approach the transitional period of menopause multiple changes can happen. These can feel varied and unpredictable as no two journeys are the same. However, there are many self-care practices and holistic therapies that can support this initiat…

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Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Holly Moffitt

naturopathy women's health

Teas for the seasons: Tea for each phase of your menstrual cycle

There is a concept that is gaining popularity within the natural health community around defining phases of the menstrual cycle as seasons.

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"It’s never too late to learn something new and incorporate it into your life."

- Lindy Smithies

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