Wellness Bites

Aphrodite Bogias

An appreciation for the power and intelligence of the natural world sparked Aphrodite Bogias’ journey into the natural medicine world. She studied a Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) at Endeavour and graduated with a deepened affinity for nature and plant medicine – something that would shape her future in more ways than one.

The practice of stimulating and restoring health through herbs, nutrition, and lifestyle choices has been a driving force for Aphrodite’s career. As a mother and Naturopath, she has firsthand experience with the benefits of complementary medicine.

In 2022, Aphrodite turned her passion into a bricks-and-mortar purpose with the opening of her clinic, Nature to Thrive – which encapsulates a return to nature in order to restore balance and harmony. She believes that the healthy condition of the mind, body and spirit is the cornerstone of our lives, enabling the freedom to reach our fullest potential and meaningful existence.

Today, Aphrodite is continuing her studies at Endeavour with

Continuously inspired by the powers of natural and traditional medicine, Aphrodite is currently studying a Bachelor of Health Science (Chinese Medicine) at Endeavour.

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Aphrodite Bogias

naturopathy women's health

The hidden phenomenon of perimenopause

A recent survey in 2022 discovered that over 90% of women have never been taught about menopause and more than 60% did not feel informed or have any knowledge of the sequence of physiological events which lead to a woman’s final menstrual cycle.

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Monday, 12 June 2023

Aphrodite Bogias

mens health testosterone

Optimising testosterone levels in men

Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in males. It’s responsible for competitiveness, energy, and drive, as well as increased libido, muscle mass, and body hair. Testosterone is also required for sufficient levels of red blood cells, regular sleep pat…

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"The nutrition course was all about circling back to the science. It wasn’t fluffy. It was full of excellent case studies and amazing resources."

- Nikki Auckland

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