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Wednesday, 20 July 2022

How a simple cup of herbal tea can improve your health

herbal medicine herbs natural health naturopathy

Tea has been used for centuries for a variety of reasons – from treating medical conditions to being an important part of cultural ceremonies and social interactions.

Here are just a few common herbs that can be used for therapeutic benefit:

Mentha x piperita (Peppermint)

A refreshing tea to have to calm your stomach and help with excess wind and cramping, great for people who suffer Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or mild gastrointestinal discomfort. It should be taken away from iron supplements or foods with iron, and caution should be used when breastfeeding.

Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion)

The roots can support liver and gallbladder function and is often used as a coffee substitute as it has a bitter flavour. The leaves have a diuretic effect and can assist with excess fluid or urinary conditions. However, anyone with an allergy to the Asteraceae plant family should not try this herb.

Glycyrrhiza glabra (Liquorice)

This herb has a nice demulcent effect which makes it great to treat irritative coughs and is also known for its adrenal tonic properties. Liquorice tea is a sweet, woody addition to your routine, especially in times of stress, however it should not be used by people with high blood pressure or in pregnancy.

Salvia officinalis (Sage)

Commonly used by peri-menopausal women who suffer from hot flushes, or women that have night sweats. This herb should not be taken long term or in pregnancy/lactation and should be taken two hours away from food.

Valeriana officinalis (Valerian)

This herb helps with relaxation and is good for people that suffer from anxiety or insomnia. It is not advised for children.

These are just a few examples of how herbal teas can help you. You can also combine your favourite herbs to make your tea more enjoyable.

Your naturopath can help you:

  • source good quality herbs for better health outcomes
  • recommend a dose appropriate to your health concerns and individual needs
  • check all interactions and cautions for safety
  • provide instruction on how to correctly make your tea to get the most out of the herb you are using, different herbal parts require different preparation methods

Kim Phillips

Kim Phillips is a naturopath, clinical nutritionist, and energetic kinesiologist. She lectures and is a clinical supervisor for Endeavour College, and runs STRIVE Natural Therapy, an online naturopath consultation business. She has a keen interest in mental health, endocrine and metabolic conditions, and is an active researcher in complementary medicine. To get in touch with Kim contact her via the STRIVE Natural Therapy Facebook page.

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